Vice President of Strategy, Policy, Advocacy, and Community Coalitions, TNTP
Janet Oriatti
Director, PMO, Analysis and Reporting, American Red Cross
Nancy Osgood
President, Osgood Group
Katie Paris
Founder and CEO, Red Wine & Blue
Kathy Park
CEO, Evident Change
Jerry Partlow
CEO, Partlow Insurance Agency
Patti Patrizi
Principal, Patrizi Associates
Melanie Patz
President and CEO, United Way of Northeast Florida
Hilary Pennington
Executive Vice President for Programs, Ford Foundation
Tara Perry
CEO, National CASA/GAL Association for Children
Brad Phillips
President/CEO, Institute for Evidence-Based Change
Randal Pinkett
Chairman and CEO, BCT Partners
Hilda Polanco
Managing Partner, BDO FMA
Meridith Polin
Senior Officer, Pew Charitable Trusts
Lupi Quinteros-Grady
President and CEO, Latin American Youth Center
Bob Rath
former President and CEO, Our Piece of the Pie, Independent
Lysa Ratliff
John Read
Managing Partner, Read Partners LLC
Kathy Reich
Director, BUILD, Ford Foundation
Tess Reynolds
Nonprofits and Philanthropy Consultant, Tess Reynolds Consulting
Michelle Rhone-Collins
Jo Rice
Former CEO & Co-Founder, Resurgo
Dennis Richardson
Retired President and CEO, Hillside Family of Agencies
Hector Rivera
CEO, Our Piece of the Pie
Ananda Roberts
President, nFocus Solutions
Christine Robinson
President, Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia
Liza Rodriguez
Chief Administrative Officer, JEVS Human Services
Lissette Rodriguez
Managing Director, Portfolio Strategy & Management, Blue Meridian Partners
Margot Rogers
Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, University of Virginia
Nancy Roob
CEO, Blue Meridian Partners
Jodi Rosenbaum Tillinger
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, More Than Words
Jenn Hoos Rothberg
Executive Director, Einhorn Collaborative
Bess Rothenberg
Senior Director, Strategy and Learning, Ford Foundation
Julie Russell
Chief Strategy Officer, Missouri Foundation for Health
Bill Ryan
Principal, Ryan Consulting Group
Michael Sack
Senior Fellow, Jobs for the Future
Sophie Sahaf
Policy Advisor, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Robert Sainz
President and Executive Director, New Ways to Work
Lou Salza
former Head of School, Lawrence School, Independent
Ben Sand
CEO, The Contingent
Byron Sanders
President & CEO, Big Thought
Ellen Schall
Senior Presidential Fellow, New York University
Elaine Schulte
Vice Chair, Academic Affairs and Faculty Development, and Professor of Pediatrics, Montefiore
Bob Searle
Partner, The Bridgespan Group
Mora Segal
Managing Director, A-Street
Steve Seleznow
former, President and CEO, Arizona Community Foundation, Independent
Pratichi Shah
Founder and CEO, Flourish Talent Management Solutions, LLC
Michael Shaver
CEO, Children's Home + Aid
Christopher Shearer
Founder and Principal, Third Sector Strategy
James Shepard
CEO and Founder, AchieveLeaders
Samantha Sherrod
Community Affairs Specialist, FDIC
Nadya Shmavonian
Senior Advisor, SeaChange Capital Partners
Alice Shobe
Global Director, Amazon in the Community, Amazon.com
Paul Shoemaker
Author; Founding President, Social Venture Partners International, Independent
Ellen Meyer Shorb
Principal, Blue Sage Partners
Bill Shore
Founder and CEO, Share Our Strength
Javaid Siddiqi
President and CEO, Hunt Institute
James Siegal
Senior Fellow, KaBOOM!
Jen Sigler
Owner, JNRS Consulting
Daniel Silverman
Principal, Silverman Strategies
Adam Simon
Executive Director, Aviv Foundation
Navjeet Singh
Workforce Development Advisor, Independent
Ed Skloot
Advisor to Nonprofit Organizations and Foundations, Independent
Derrin Slack
Founder & CEO, ProAct Indy
Maya Enista Smith
former, Executive Director, Born this Way Foundation, Independent
Chari Smith
President, Evaluation Into Action
Rosie Stafford Smith
Principal Consultant, Stafford Smith Group LLC
Terri Sorensen
CEO, Friends of the Children - National
Keren Abina Sotomayor
Vice President, Learning, JP Morgan
Jon Sotsky
Strategic Impact and Learning Director, Overdeck Family Foundation
James Stancil
Houston Program Manager, Generation SERVE
Emily Sterling
Social Impact Advisor, Sterling Consulting LLC
Daniel Stid
Executive Director, Lyceum Labs
Nan Stone
Senior Advisor, The Bridgespan Group
Kate Stookey
President and CEO, Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Schroeder Stribling
CEO & President, Mental Health America
Lester Strong
Founder and Senior Advisor, Peaceful Guardians Project
Cassandra Sullivan Wright
Relationship Advisor, Endowments & Foundations, Brown Advisory
Jon Sweigart
Consultant, Praxis Consulting Group
David Sylvester
Partner, 3rd Gen Law Group LLP
Kelvin Taketa
Consultant, Kelvin H. Taketa Consulting
Lynn Taliento
Senior Advisor, McKinsey & Company
Kate Tansey
Senior Director of Advancement, Cardinal Ritter College Prep
Mindy Tarlow
Managing Director, Portfolio Strategy & Management, Blue Meridian Partners
Art Taylor
President and CEO, BBB Wise Giving Alliance
Jim Taylor
Chief Equity Officer, Urban Institute
Jo Taylor
CEO, Siddle Family Foundation
Tiziano Tazzi
Founder and Former President, Fondazione Lang Italia
Nick Tedesco
President and CEO, National Center for Family Philanthropy
Bob Templin
President Emeritus, Northern Virginia Community College, Senior Fellow, The Aspen Institute
Michael Thatcher
President and CEO, Charity Navigator
Brett Theodos
Senior Fellow, Urban Institute
Scott Thomas
Co-Founder, Arbor Rising
Valerie Threlfall
Managing Director, Listen4Good, Fund for Shared Insight
Dana Toppel
Chief Operating Officer, Jewish Family Service of San Diego
Michael Traill
Chair, Goodstart Early Learning, Executive Director For Purpose Investment Partners, For Purpose Investment Partners
Dan Tsin
Director; Learning, Measurement, and Evaluation, Blue Meridian Partners
Melinda Tuan
Managing Director, Fund for Shared Insight
Fay Twersky
President, Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
Susan Urahn
President and CEO, Pew Charitable Trusts
Erika Van Buren
Principal, Line of Sight Consulting, LLC
Gretchen Van der Veer
CEO, Fair Chance
Mirellise Vazquez
VP of Philanthropy, The Connecticut Project
Sandra Velthuis
Owner, Whitebarn Consulting
Jill Vialet
Co-Founder, Workswell
Yasmina Vinci
Executive Director, National Head Start Association
Victoria Vrana
CEO, GlobalGiving
Karen Walker
Nonprofit and Evaluation Consultant, Independent
Eric Walker
former CFO, Population Council, Independent
Liz Walters
Chairwoman, Ohio Democratic Party
Amy Sample Ward
Garrett Warfield
Chief Research Officer, Year Up Boston
Rick Wartzman
Co-President, Bendable Labs
Marnie Webb
Chief Community Impact Officer, TechSoup Global
Jennifer Wei
Organizational Effectiveness Officer, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
James Weinberg
CEO, Fuse Corps
Lowell Weiss
President, Cascade Philanthropy Advisors
Jo Wells
former Director, Blagrave Trust, Independent
Caroline Whistler
President and CEO, Third Sector Capital Partners
Dennis Whittle
Co-Founder, Normal>Next
Dina Wilderson
Director of Learning & Evidence, REDF
Kimberly Williams-Rivera
Senior Director of Management Information Systems & Performance, Our Piece of the Pie
Quentin Wilson
Distinguished Executive, George Washington University
Mary Kopczynski Winkler
Senior Research Associate, Urban Institute, Independent
Miranda Yates
Senior Program Officer in Research, Evaluation, and Learning, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Pete York
Principal, BCT Partners
Sarah Young
former Investment Director, Impetus-PEF, Independent
A. Toni Young
Founder and Executive Director, Community Education Group
Hanh Cao Yu
Editor-in-Chief, The Foundation Review
Denise San Antonio Zeman
former President and CEO, Saint Luke's Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio, Independent
Steve Zimmerman
Principal, Spectrum Nonprofit Services
Jennifer Zwilling
CEO, Edlavitch Jewish Community Center of Washington, DC
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